Simon's Cat Goes On Holiday......

Its that time of year again when the suitcases come out of storage and swimming costumes see the light of day.

Yes - it's holiday time!

All us cat owners will identify with the new Simon's cat video below, so sit back, watch and enjoy the knowledge that we are not alone in our battle with our feline family members.....

Source: YouTube

25 Confidence Quotes To Lift Your Day

When you run a site like this one, you tend to learn quite a bit about what people like to read.

For instance, I know that you - in the most general sense - aren't very keen on reading about time management. Only a handful of visitors take the time (sorry - no pun intended there.....) to look at this kind of article.

Maybe because those who need to know how to better use their time are too stressed trying to fit in all that they need to do and can't spare a few minutes to learn how to organize their day better.....

But one thing I am certain of, is that just about everyone loves to read lists of motivational or inspiring quotes because these are the most read articles by a country mile.

So, in the interests of 'giving the public what they want,'  here's a great list of uplifting quotes for you to enjoy!

Use These Confidence Quotes To Give You A Lift

The following confidence quotes have been assembled from a variety of authors of present and bygone times. It is possible that you will not know them all. This is of little importance as the message is really what counts:

There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout: This is me damn it! I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! I am a whole complex package. Take me... or leave me. Accept me - or walk away! Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don't fit your idea of who I should be and don't try to change me to fit your mold. If I need to change, I alone will make that decision. When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad - you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you." Source: Stacey Charter

If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. Source: Vincent Van Gogh

Whoever does not regard what he has as most amply wealth, is unhappy, though he be master of the world. Source: Epictetus

One of the greatest moments in anybody's developing experience is when he no longer tries to hide from himself but determines to get acquainted with himself as he really is. Source: Norman Vincent Peale

If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. Source: Thomas Alva Edison

All of us have wonders hidden in our breasts, only needing circumstances to evoke them. Source: Charles Dickens

It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. Source: Edmund Hillary

If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground. Source: Henrik Ibsen

What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates his fate. Source: Henry David Thoreau

Many men are like unto sausages: Whatever you stuff them with, that they will bear in them. Source: Alexi Konstantinovich Tolstoy

Nothing reduces the odds against you like ignoring them. Source: Robert Brault

Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself. Source: Michel de Montaigne

You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through. Source: Rosalyn Carter

It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself. Source: Muhammad Ali

If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning. Source: Mahatma Gandhi

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not. Source: Unknown

The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others. Source: Sonya Friedman

Insist on yourself; never imitate. Source: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others. Source: Winston Churchill

People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. Source: Norman Vincent Peale

Confidence... thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live. Source: Franklin D. Roosevelt

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. Source: Robert F. Kennedy

Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you. Source: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can. Source: Richard Bach

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. Source: Michael Jordan


About the Author: It is hoped that you found these confidence quotes inspirational. If you want to learn more about building super self confidence then click on the link to change your life.

17 Ways To Tell If You Have Low Self-Esteem

Do you think that you are suffering from low self-esteem but aren't really sure?

We all know what self-esteem is and many people know what it feels like but it's really difficult to find a definitive set of symptoms to compare yourself with.

For unless you know what the problem is, how can you start to fix it?

You'll find below seventeen common symptoms reported by people who suffer from low self-esteem. See if you can identify with some or all of them and if you score three or more then you could do with working on building your self-esteem and eliminating those symptoms forever.

Here's the list:

1. Social withdrawal & isolation.
2. Anxiety and emotional distress.
3. A disinclination to social conformity..
4. Lack of social skills and self confidence.
5. Depression and/or frequent feelings of of sadness.
6. A reluctance or inability to accept compliments .
7. A disinclination to treat yourself fairly.
8. Dwelling on and magnifying the negative aspects of your life.
9. Exaggerated concern over what you imagine other people think .
10. Neglect of yourself.
11. Treating yourself badly but not other people .
12. Nevertheless, worrying over whether you have treated others badly or unfairly.
 13. Reluctance to take on challenges.
14. Reluctance to put yourself forward.
15. Anxiety as to whether you can trust your own opinion .
16. Expecting to receive and things in life and never good things.
17. Eating Disorders.

Now, it's true that anyone can, at times, fall into a number of the above categories but we are really looking to identify long-term or permanent states and feelings here.

If you genuinely feel that a number of the above symptoms apply to you, then you can be sure that you are suffering low-self esteem.

Identifying this problem is the first step to overcoming it and you will find any number of good articles on this site that can help you start to build better self-esteem right away.

With perseverance, you will be able to banish your negative feelings and begin to feel better about your own value and worth.

How To Be Positive - No Matter What!

Think positive; be positive; live positive!

That's really good advice but the real question is: How?

Well, I've found now fewer than 6 practical ways that will help you remain positive in any given situation - not just in specific circumstances.

In my book, that's very valuable advice. You just need to become familiar with 6 simple strategies and you are ready for whatever may come your way.

These strategies may sound simple but please don't underestimate their power.

Sometimes, 'simple' can be super-effective :)

6 Ways to be Positive in Any Situation

The power of remaining positive, whatever the situation, can never be underestimated. We are all here for a limited period of time, is it worth it to spend any of that time in a dismal mood? Being negative?

The true test of an individual to remain positive is when challenges become difficult. Remaining positive keeps one's mind in the right state of balance and often opens resolutions to the problems at hand. 

Negativity is contagious; not only does it affect the individual, but it spreads to anyone they interact with. When only the negative perspective is in focus, the resolution process is impeded.

Eliminating negativity, or rather, being positive is a mindset that can be found at any moment, and turned into a habit. Here are some tips that can help you in shifting your mindset:

  1. Shift Your Thoughts - Be conscious of your thoughts. Especially, when life just isn't going your way. The moment you see that you are diving into frustration, agony, sorrow and low self-esteem - shift your thoughts, by thinking about something completely unrelated. This breaks the pattern of self-pity, mind-created stories, and negative downward spiral. What makes us different from other mammals is our ability to control our thoughts and think for ourselves.

  2. Find the Lesson - There is a lesson to be learned from every situation. No matter how unfortunate the situation may appear, recognize the beautiful lessons waiting to be discovered. Sometimes lessons are expensive, but every problem is a learning opportunity in disguise. You may have made a mistake, but now you can accept it and continue, knowing that you will make a different decision in the future. Understand this and be appreciative for the experience.

  3. Attitude of Gratitude - You cannot be both angry and grateful at the same time. Start counting the blessings and miracles in your life, start looking for them and you shall find more. What's there not to be grateful? You are alive and breathing! Realize how lucky you are and all the abundance in your life.

  4. Positive Affirmations & Visualization - Practice seeing yourself in a positive and confident light. Do this whenever you have a few minutes (examples; Waiting for a friend, sitting on the bus, riding an elevator.) Self-affirmations (list of positive statements about yourself and your self image) are another simple and powerful tool to train your subconscious to see yourself in a positive light. This is important, as many of us can be so hard on ourselves though social conditioning. I am guilty of being extra tough on myself, but have learned over time to recognize my gifts rather than finding false and self-imposed inadequacies.

  5. Inventory of Memories - Keep an inventory of memories that can immediately make you smile. Occasions where you felt happy, appreciative and cheerful. When you were at peace with the world. Whenever you are in a negative frame of mind, consciously and deliberately pick up any leaf out of this inventory and dwell on it. Reminiscing those happy moments gives a balanced perspective to your situation. You realize that what appears negative today will change tomorrow. Nothing stays the same.

  6. Criticizing Detox Diet - Change your approach and attitude. See if you can stop criticizing others and situations. Our cultural conditioning teaches us to find flaws and problems at all times. Shift from fault-finding to appreciation-finding.
Whether you are positive or negative, the situation does not change. So, we mind as well be positive.

As with any habit, the habit of remaining positive in all situations takes practice and a commitment to yourself to take control. But start small, start paying attention to your emotions, start by wanting to change. I am working on this constantly, and I am here with you, working towards better understanding of my emotions and becoming a better person. Keep going at it, and you will gradually become a positive energy source for the others around you! 

Wouldn't that be empowering?

 About the Author: Tina Su is passionate about Personal Development and Spiritual Growth. She runs multiple businesses and has learned how to do so without any Stress. Visit her website at Think Simple. Be Decisive for her secrets to Productivity, Motivation, Creativity and Happiness.

Attitude of Gratitude - You cannot be both angry and grateful at the same time. 

The Hidden Power of a Smile - Scientific Proof

My favorite thing is a smile.

I smile when greeting a stranger, I smile when greeting an old friend. I smile when saying 'thank you' to a cashier and I smile at my cat.

In fact, I even smile when I'm talking on the phone!

I figure that smiling at people makes my life happier as they generally can't help but smile back at me.

Now it seems that science has proven the power of a smile and you can see just how powerful a smile can be in the video below. It's around 7 minutes long but the information it contains is fascinating.

It certainly left me with a smile on my face :)


5 Insider Secrets To Developing Laser-Focused Concentration

I've been watching a spider spinning its web in the corner of the room for awhile now - it's quite fascinating really.

Every few minutes I glance away from my computer screen to see how this amazing creature is doing. I am truly in awe of its single-minded attention to its task!

Ah - back to reality with a bump :(

For as much as this small spider displays great concentration - I do not. I am happy to break my work time and time again to watch its antics and that inevitably means that my productivity and quality of work plummets.......

Maybe I should take heed of the advice given in article below.

What do you think?!

How To Concentrate Better - 5 Insider Secrets To Help You Today

Learning how to concentrate can be one of your critical life skills. It doesn't matter what your specialty is, or what work you're engaged upon. Retaining the level of concentration needed to get the task done is a rare and helpful skill that can transform you from mediocre or average to great and successful.

When you are able to concentrate, your results will show the difference. Here are 5 simple ways you can put your mind into top gear and learn how to concentrate better.

1. Rest Before You Start

A tired mind works slowly and sluggishly. You'll find it hard to concentrate when you're close to exhaustion. So get more sleep. Rest and relax before important work. But don't oversleep. That will be detrimental too.

Sir Winston Churchill is famed to be able to drop off to sleep for ten minutes even in the middle of a crisis. It left him refreshed and able to continue working under stress for much longer, with absolute concentration.

Set a pattern. Sleep for the same duration of time daily. Go to bed by a fixed time, and wake up by the clock. Don't read exciting or thrilling stuff or watch action movies around bedtime, or eat a heavy, spicy meal late in the day.

2. Get Some Exercise

An exercise habit can enhance your energy level further, and allow you to concentrate better on work. Exercise at the beginning of your day. A brisk walk can set the tone for your entire day. Work up a sweat, then take a shower. You'll find yourself able to focus on work effortlessly.

3. Eat Nutritious Food

Creative thought consumes energy. Unless you eat well, you won't be able to focus your attention on the work you are engaged upon. High glucose demand is a feature of a brain that is active. Provide the organ with calories and you'll get it working at peak power.

Have healthy snacks handy for a quick bite when you notice energy levels dropping. A few slices of fresh fruit or a granola bar can do wonders for your capacity to concentrate.

4. Develop Rituals

Do things on a routine, and they'll become a habit. This allows you to concentrate well on other things too. Stop relying on mental reminders to know what is on your to-do list, but instead write things down on a list. This lets you focus all your brain power on the work you're doing, rather than trying to recall what needs to be done next.

5. Take Frequent Breaks

Concentration wears down after a few minutes or hours. Persisting with your work can only make things worse, as a worn down brain cannot cope with constant stress. Taking breaks can rejuvenate your thought processes. That's the benefit of having down time in the middle of your work.

These five simple steps can transform your level of achievement, and boost your ability to focus. No longer will you worry about how to concentrate. It will become a piece of cake!

For more information and tips on how to focus, check out " How To Focus Now " at
Author: C.Gowri 

How To Fight Your Fear and Win!

What limits you?

No really - what is it that prevents you from doing the things that will bring you the life and lifestyle you imagine when you daydream?

I'm talking about your fear of moving out of your comfort zone in order to achieve greater things.

I, for instance, am afraid of making contact with potential new clients in my business - something that could be fatally limiting if I am to continue to grow my income :(

However, I face that fear and do what I have to do in order to win new clients because I know that my fear is irrational and incompatible with my goals.

OK - confession time is over but I want you to know that however confident a person is, they always have fears that need facing and overcoming if they are to grow as a person and there by reach what they are striving for.

Today's guest article can help you face your fears by giving you nine easy steps to follow. And remember, if ever you become aware that your fears are limiting your success, just think of ordinary-old-me doing the very same - and winning.

If I can do it, then so can you!

Are You Ready to Stop Being Afraid?

Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it. ~Judy Blume

When we talk about our fears we naturally tend to focus on the BIG boys; fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of success, loss and rejection.

While there is no shortage of advice on how to overcome fear, it's easy to fall into overwhelm just thinking about where to begin.

So, you're afraid of change - does that mean ALL change, or just some change, and specifically WHICH type of change would that be?

The truth is, if we take a look at our day-to-day lives, we are far more likely to discover that these big picture fears aren't as easy to spot as we may expect, because they have a way of infiltrating our lives in the form of many small fears which, over time, can actually be far more insidious and damaging.

You see, we tend to gloss over these "mini" fears, because rather than an outright threat, they tend to feel more like vague resistance, but they are nonetheless powerful enough to cause us to avoid making decisions or doing things until we're "better prepared" or "until the time is right." Often this type of avoidance is chalked up to "procrastination" when in fact it is fear based.

Individually these small fears may seem inconsequential, but add them up day-after-day over the course of a year and you're dragging a pretty big ball and chain behind you!

Everyone is Afraid of Something.
  • Begin by defining your fears. The first step to effectively solving any problem is to "define" it. Our aim is to start small, so begin by making a list of specific things, actions or circumstances you typically face during the day that create the feeling of fear or anxiety in you. Think of these as your "mini" fears. If you can't think of any, try thinking of situations you typically go out of your way to avoid - like doing whatever it takes to avoid running into Estelle, the bully in accounting.

  • Where is the fear coming from? Once you begin to define your fears, give some thought to what it is about this particular activity, situation (or person) that makes you feel anxious. The better you are able to define what is creating this feeling of fear, the faster you'll be able to regain your personal power.

  • Resolve to face one mini-fear a day. Before you to go to sleep every night, write down the fear you are going to face the next day and a few thoughts on what you plan to do. Using the example of avoidance, imagine walking up to Estelle (the bully in accounting) with a smile on your face and a friendly, "Hi, how are you today?" Remember, your goal is not to suddenly become her best buddy; it's to regain your personal power so that you no longer feel fear at the very thought of being near her. Or maybe the mini fear you've chosen to tackle is the fear of asking for help. Again, start small by asking for something simple like a recipe or recommendation for a restaurant. At the end of each day, make a few notes in your journal about how it felt to face your fear, and decide on the mini fear you'll work on the next day. Don't worry if things don't always work out the way you plan; the fact that you are taking action is something to be proud of, and that you can build on.

  • Ask yourself, "If I weren't afraid, how would I behave?" This is really just another way of saying, fake it till you make it. When you think of overcoming your mini fear, imagine how you would behave if you felt confident rather than afraid. For many people behaving the way you want to be can actually change how you feel. In a way your feelings catch up to your actions.

  • Be patient with yourself and trust yourself to grow. It takes time to banish even the smallest fear, so be patient, trust your instincts, and just keep moving forward.

  • Cultivate relaxation techniques. Unclench your jaw, soften your forehead, open your fists, slow down your pounding heart, and don't forget to breathe. Take mini relaxation breaks throughout your day.

  • Celebrate your successes. We tend to beat ourselves up when we fail, and fail to celebrate when we succeed. Strengthen your belief in yourself by reflecting on even the smallest successes. Write it all down. You'll be inspired, motivated and amazed by your list, and how you can build on each success.

  • Build momentum. This is where you start to see real progress. As you begin overcoming your "mini" fears, you'll soon begin to find yourself facing up to the larger fears and self-doubts in your life. Just imagine, if you start today to face up to even your smallest fear, and continued this process facing bigger and bigger fears - how could this transform your life by this time next year?

  • Help others. There is something so powerful about lending a helping hand to encourage others. As you steadily overcome your own fears and become stronger and more confident, look for opportunities to reach out to those who are just beginning the journey to offer encouragement.
Left unchecked, our fears can easily rob us of the best part of our lives, and the only way to prevent that is to bring our fears, large and small, out into the light and work through them. How about you? Do you have any fears you'd like to banish this year?